Posts tagged supervisory roles
Wilson 2005 Alternative Model of Student Teacher Supervision
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2005, alternative models of supervision, building relationships, collaboration and community, communities of practice, pedagogy of teacher education, supervision in teacher education, supervision in teacher preparation, supervisor, Supervisory models, supervisory roles
Haigh & Ward Problematising practicum relationships: Questioning the ‘taken for granted’.
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2004, relationships, supervision in teacher education, supervision vs evaluation, supervisory approaches, supervisory environment, supervisory images, supervisory relationships, supervisory roles, supervisory styles, triad
Johnson, I. L., & Napper-Owen, G. (2011). The importance of role perceptions in the student teaching triad.
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2011, communication, relationships, student teachers, student teaching, student teaching placements, supervision in teacher education, supervisor, supervisory environment, supervisory relationships, supervisory roles, triad
Koerner & Rust Exploring roles in student teaching placements
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2002, best practice, coaching, cooperating teachers, disposition, field experiences, mentoring, mentors, relationships, roles, student teachers, student teaching, student teaching placements, supervisor characteristics, supervisor dispositions, supervisor knowledge, supervisory practices, supervisory relationships, supervisory roles
McDonald, Kazemi, & Kavanagh Core Practices and Pedagogies of Teacher Education
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2013, content focused coaching, core practices, cross disciplinary practices in supervision, cross disciplinary practices in teacher education, discipline specific practices in supervision, discipline specific practices in teacher education, McDonaldM, pedagogy of supervision, pedagogy of teacher education, preservice teachers, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervisory roles, teacher education, teacher educator, teacher preparation
Cairnes & Almeida Positive Aspect of Supervision in Student Teaching: The Student Teachers' Perspective
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2007, cooperating teachers, feedback, professional learning, student teachers, student teaching, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervisor, supervisor professional development, supervisory relationships, supervisory roles, university liaison
Sivan & Chan Peer Observation and Supervision with Preservice Teachers
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2009, feedback, international, observation, PDS, peer coaching, preservice teachers, student teachers, student teaching, supervision in PDS, supervision in teacher education, supervision vs evaluation, supervisor, supervisory roles, technology, technology in supervision
Falconer & Lignugaris/Kraft Video Conferencing with Student Teachers in Remote Locations
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2002, chat rooms, field experiences, observation, preservice teachers, remote supervision, social learning, social nature, student teachers, student teaching, supervision in teacher education, supervisor, supervisory conferences, supervisory relationships, supervisory roles, technology, technology in supervision, video, video conferencing
Haughton & Keil Mobile Devices and Electonric Performance Assessments of Student Teachers
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2009, faculty, feedback, mobile devices, observation, preservice teachers, standardization, supervision in teacher education, supervision vs evaluation, supervisor, supervisor professional development, supervisory roles, technology, technology in supervision
Babiuk, Mweti, & Yoon Chat Rooms and Preservice Teachers
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2004, back channel, back channeling, chat rooms, field experiences, methods coursework, online discussions, preservice teachers, student teachers, supervision in teacher education, supervisor, supervisory relationships, supervisory roles, technology, technology in supervision
Alger & Kopcha eSupervision and cognitive apprenticeship
NotesRebecca West Burns2010, 20102019, coaching, cognitive apprenticeship, collaborative structures, communication, community, conversation, conversations about practice, developing expertise, expertise, modeling, novice, novice observers, novice teacher, program evaluation, reflection, research, social learning, social nature, student teachers, student teaching, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervisory roles, supporting novice learning, technology, technology in supervision
Underutilized Potential of Hybrid Educator
NotesRebecca West Burns2010, 20102019, hybrid characteristics, hybrid educator, hybrid environment, hybrid roles, JenningsG, partnerships, PDA, PDS, PDS roles, PelosoJM, PRT, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervisory environment, supervisory roles, teacher education, teacher educator, teacher educator education, teacher preparation, teacher roles
University Liaisons Morris, Taylor, Harrison, & Wasson Notes
NotesRebecca West Burns2000, 20002009, collaboration, collaborative structures, coteaching, HarrisonMM, hybrid, hybrid characteristics, hybrid educator, hybrid roles, hybrid tasks, MorrisVG, PDS, PDS leadership, PDS roles, reflection, relationships, supervision, supervisor development, supervisor learning, supervisor professional development, supervisory roles, TaylorSI, trust, university liaison, WassonR
Clift & Brady Review of Research on Methods Courses and Field Experiences
NotesRebecca West Burnscenter for research, field experiences, methods coursework, research, research on teacher education, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervisor, supervisory roles, teacher education, teacher education programs
Sergiovanni & Starratt Redefinition of Supervision Notes
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2007, bureaucratic authority, communities of practice, human relations supervision, human resources supervision, learning community, moral authority, neoscientific management supervision, personal authority, professional authority, reflection, reflective practice, scientific management supervision, SergiovanniT, sources of authority, StarrattR, supervision, supervisory frameworks, supervisory functions, supervisory images, Supervisory models, supervisory roles, trust
Supervisors and Teachers: A Private Cold War Notes
NotesRebecca West Burns1980, 19801989, BlumbergA, complexity of teaching, definition of supervision, outsider, relationships, supervision, supervisor, supervisory relationships, supervisory roles, trust
Reflections on Sergiovanni & Starratt Chapter 3: Supervision and the Learning Community
ReflectionRebecca West Burns20002009, 2007, hybrid educator, learning, learning curriculum, reflection, reflective practitioner, SergiovanniT, StarrattR, supervision, supervisor development, supervisor learning, supervisor professional development, supervisory roles, teacher learning
Kosmoski Supervision Notes
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2006, artistic supervision, clinical supervision, collegial supervision, developmental supervision, dissertation, history of supervision, KosmoskiG, scientific management supervision, supervision, supervision barriers, supervision definition, supervision models, supervisor tasks, supervisory roles, supervisory styles
Bolin & Panaritis Notes History of Supervision
NotesRebecca West Burns19901999, 1992, BolinF, curriculum, curriculum development, democratic leadership, GlickmanC, history of supervision, industrialization, inquiry, PanaritisP, professional development, rating scales, school administration, school leadership, school reform, scientific management, scientific management supervision, supervision vs evaluation, supervisor as inspector, supervisory roles
Glickman Notes Postmoderism and Supervision
NotesRebecca West Burns19901999, 1992, checklists, GlickmanC, instructional leader, pedagogy, postmodernism, rating scales, school administration, school leadership, supervision, supervision vs evaluation, supervisor behavior, supervisory roles