Posts tagged conversation
Ward, Nolen, & Horn 2011 Productive Friction in Student Teaching
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2011, boundaryspanning, cognitive dissonance, conversation, conversations about practice, discomfort, discomfort vs distress, disequillibrium, disorienting dilemma, field experiences, hybrid, productive friction, student teaching, supervision in teacher education, supervisor, third space, transformational learning, transformational supervision, WardC
Marilyn Johnston's 1999 Contradictions in Collaboration: New Thinking on School University Partnerships
NotesRebecca West Burns19901999, 1999, clinical educator, collaboration, conversation, dialogue, doctoral students, JohnstonM, PDS, PDS directors, PDS leadership, PDS research, PDS roles, PDS structures, schooluniversity partnerships
Klar, Huggins, & Roessler Fostering Distributed Leadership for Supporting Teacher Learning
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2015, collaboration, collaborative structures, conversation, conversations about practice, differentiated supervision, distributed leadership, instructional leader, instructional leadership, KlarH, PLCs, teacher learning
Lopez-Real, Stimpson, & Bunton Supervisor conferences: An exploration of some difficult topics.
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2001, conversation, conversations about practice, feedback, observation, post conference, processingforaction, relationships, student teachers, student teaching, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervision vs evaluation, supervisor, supervisory relationships, telling
Reflection on Teaching 12.03.13
ReflectionRebecca West Burns20102019, 2013, annual review, BadialiB, climate for learning, coaching, coaching conversations, conversation, conversation styles, conversations about practice, culture of learning, culture of supervision, environment, PoetterT, reflection, supervisory environment, supervisory relationships, teaching
Alger & Kopcha eSupervision and cognitive apprenticeship
NotesRebecca West Burns2010, 20102019, coaching, cognitive apprenticeship, collaborative structures, communication, community, conversation, conversations about practice, developing expertise, expertise, modeling, novice, novice observers, novice teacher, program evaluation, reflection, research, social learning, social nature, student teachers, student teaching, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervisory roles, supporting novice learning, technology, technology in supervision
Deborah Tannen Gender Differences in Conversation Styles
Journal Writing in the Classroom
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2009, conversation, CooperJE, doctoral education, freewrite, journal, journaling, metaphor, metareflection, reflective writing, StevensDD
Neuroscience and Social Interaction
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2006, adult learning, brain, conversation, environment, JohnsonS, learning, mentoring, mentors, neuroscience, relationships, social learning, social learning theory, social nature, supervisory environment, supervisory relationships, trust