Posts tagged supervisory environment
Tang 2003 Challenge and Support: The Dynamics of Student Teachers' Professional Learning in the Field Experience
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2003, challenge and support, discomfort vs distress, field experiences, preservice outcomes, preservice teachers, PST growth, student teachers, student teaching, supervisory environment, TangS
Spillane, Kim, & Frank 2012 Tie Formation and Social Capital Development in Elementary Schools
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2012, elementary, information giving, information sharing, networking, networks, professional development, professional learning, professional learning communities, school organization, school structures, social capital, social learning, social learning theory, social networking, SpillaneJP, supervision, supervisory environment, telling, tie formation, ties
Two Strategies for Helping Preservice Teachers to "Feel Heard" in the College Classroom and in the Clinical Context
ReflectionRebecca West Burns20102019, 2014, learning environment, mentoring, mentors, PDS structures, practical strategies for supervision, preservice teachers, relationships, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervision in teacher preparation, supervisor, supervisory environment, Wallace
Haigh & Ward Problematising practicum relationships: Questioning the ‘taken for granted’.
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2004, relationships, supervision in teacher education, supervision vs evaluation, supervisory approaches, supervisory environment, supervisory images, supervisory relationships, supervisory roles, supervisory styles, triad
Gimbert & Nolan The influence of the professional development school context on supervisory practice: A university supervisor’s and interns’ perspectives.
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2003, GimbertB, NolanJ, relationships, supervision, supervision in PDS, supervision in teacher education, supervision vs evaluation, supervisory approaches, supervisory environment, supervisory images, supervisory relationships, supervisory styles
Yusko Supervisory practices that build relationships and communities
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2004, communities of practice, community, preservice teachers, relationships, seminar, student teachers, student teaching, supervision in teacher education, supervisory environment, supervisory practices, supervisory relationships, teacher educator
Johnson, I. L., & Napper-Owen, G. (2011). The importance of role perceptions in the student teaching triad.
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2011, communication, relationships, student teachers, student teaching, student teaching placements, supervision in teacher education, supervisor, supervisory environment, supervisory relationships, supervisory roles, triad
Chalies, S., Escalie, G., Bertone, S., & Clarke, A. (2012). Learning ‘rules’ of practice within the context of the practicum triad:
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2012, feedback, field experiences, relationships, student teachers, student teaching, supervision as telling, supervision vs evaluation, supervisory environment, supervisory relationships, trust
Reflection on Teaching 12.03.13
ReflectionRebecca West Burns20102019, 2013, annual review, BadialiB, climate for learning, coaching, coaching conversations, conversation, conversation styles, conversations about practice, culture of learning, culture of supervision, environment, PoetterT, reflection, supervisory environment, supervisory relationships, teaching
Underutilized Potential of Hybrid Educator
NotesRebecca West Burns2010, 20102019, hybrid characteristics, hybrid educator, hybrid environment, hybrid roles, JenningsG, partnerships, PDA, PDS, PDS roles, PelosoJM, PRT, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervisory environment, supervisory roles, teacher education, teacher educator, teacher educator education, teacher preparation, teacher roles
Johnston Opening Minds Chapter 2: Learning Worlds: People, Performing, and Learning
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2012, classroom environments, CLE, environment, JohnstonP, language, mindset, supervisory environment, supervisory relationships, teaching
Thoughts on Feiman-Nemser's Paper - From Preparation to Practice: Designing a Continuum to Strengthen and Sustain Teaching
Garman Clinical Approach to Supervision Notes
NotesRebecca West Burns19801989, 1982, alienated critic, classroom environments, clinical supervision, collaboration, collegial supervision, collegiality, connected participant, ethical conduct, GarmanN, neutral observer, organic member, SergiovanniT, skilled service, supervision, supervisor characteristics, supervisor knowledge, supervisory environment, supervisory mindsets, supervisory relationships
Neuroscience and Social Interaction
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2006, adult learning, brain, conversation, environment, JohnsonS, learning, mentoring, mentors, neuroscience, relationships, social learning, social learning theory, social nature, supervisory environment, supervisory relationships, trust
Fear and Learning
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2006, adult learning, adults, classroom environments, environment, fear, learning, learning theory, neuroscience, PerryB, supervisory environment, trauma
Neuroscience and Adult Learning
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2006, adult learning, adults, brain, classroom environments, CozolinoL, environment, learning, learning theory, narratives, neuroscience, prior knowledge, reflection, SprokayS, stress, supervision, supervisory environment
Sergiovanni & Starratt Framework for Supervision
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2007, communities of practice, culture of supervision, definition of supervision, human relations supervision, human resources supervision, leadership, neoscientific management supervision, professional development, SergiovanniT, StarrattR, supervision, supervisory environment
Sergiovanni & Starratt Framework for Supervision
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2007, communities of practice, culture of supervision, human relations supervision, human resources supervision, leadership, neoscientific management supervision, professional development, scientific management, scientific management supervision, SergiovanniT, StarrattR, supervision, supervisory environment, supervisory roles