Whether I'm teaching a course, leading professional learning with teachers, or facilitating a meeting, I love the use of protocols for structuring productive conversations! With that said, I have been a long time champion of The School Reform Initiative as a resource for protocols. I love that initially these protocols were designed by teachers for teachers, and I have found them extremely useful in working with preservice teachers, inservice teachers, school administrators, and university faculty. In fact, I've even seen many of them adapted and used effectively with students, even as young as the primary grades!
The purpose of this protocol is to help individuals make connections between a reading and their experiences.
Fredrickson, C. (2015). Under the bus: How working women are being run over. The New Press: New York.
Summary: In this book, Fredrickson details the long history of how policy and deeply rooted beliefs about gender roles for women have historically discriminated against and continue to discriminate against women and particularly women of color and their opportunities to work. She advocates for policies for universal programs to level the playing field by providing affordable childcare, early childhood education, public education, and paid family and medical leave for parents. Throughout the book, she cites research and chronicles individual stories of women who are facing such discrimination.