Posts tagged neutral observer
Combing Mindsets, Dispositions, and Sources of Authority in Supervision
ReflectionRebecca West Burnsalienated critic, bureaucratic authority, coercive power, communal power, connected participant, critical friend, disposition, expert power, GarmanN, hierarchical relationships, hierarchical supervision, hierarchy, human relations supervision, human resources supervision, legitimate power, LevineM, mindset, moral authority, neutral observer, NolanJ, organic member, personal authority, power, power and supervision, power bases, professional authority, referent power, rewards, scientific management supervision, SergiovanniT, sources of authority, StarrattR, supervision
Garman Clinical Approach to Supervision Notes
NotesRebecca West Burns19801989, 1982, alienated critic, classroom environments, clinical supervision, collaboration, collegial supervision, collegiality, connected participant, ethical conduct, GarmanN, neutral observer, organic member, SergiovanniT, skilled service, supervision, supervisor characteristics, supervisor knowledge, supervisory environment, supervisory mindsets, supervisory relationships