Posts tagged student teaching
Soslau 2012 Opportunities to Develop Adaptive Expertise During Supervisory Conferences
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2012, adaptive expertise, conference, decision making, field experiences, metaconferencing, pedagogical expertise, pedagogical skills, pedagogy of supervision, post conference, post observation conference, SoslauE, student teaching, supervision in teacher education, supervision vs evaluation, supervisor, telling
Tang 2003 Challenge and Support: The Dynamics of Student Teachers' Professional Learning in the Field Experience
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2003, challenge and support, discomfort vs distress, field experiences, preservice outcomes, preservice teachers, PST growth, student teachers, student teaching, supervisory environment, TangS
Tillema 2009 Assessment for Learning to Teach
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2009, assessment, evaluation, feedback, formative assessment, mentors, observation, perspective, student teachers, student teaching, supervision in teacher education, supervision vs evaluation, supervisor, TillemaH
Ward, Nolen, & Horn 2011 Productive Friction in Student Teaching
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2011, boundaryspanning, cognitive dissonance, conversation, conversations about practice, discomfort, discomfort vs distress, disequillibrium, disorienting dilemma, field experiences, hybrid, productive friction, student teaching, supervision in teacher education, supervisor, third space, transformational learning, transformational supervision, WardC
Williams 2013 Article Boundary crossing and working in the third space: Implications for a teacher educator’s identity and practice
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2013, boundary spanner, boundaryspanning, field experiences, hybrid educator, hybrid roles, identity, selfstudy, student teaching, teacher educator, third space, WilliamsJ
Yusko Supervisory practices that build relationships and communities
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2004, communities of practice, community, preservice teachers, relationships, seminar, student teachers, student teaching, supervision in teacher education, supervisory environment, supervisory practices, supervisory relationships, teacher educator
Lopez-Real, Stimpson, & Bunton Supervisor conferences: An exploration of some difficult topics.
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2001, conversation, conversations about practice, feedback, observation, post conference, processingforaction, relationships, student teachers, student teaching, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervision vs evaluation, supervisor, supervisory relationships, telling
Johnson, I. L., & Napper-Owen, G. (2011). The importance of role perceptions in the student teaching triad.
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2011, communication, relationships, student teachers, student teaching, student teaching placements, supervision in teacher education, supervisor, supervisory environment, supervisory relationships, supervisory roles, triad
Chalies, S., Escalie, G., Bertone, S., & Clarke, A. (2012). Learning ‘rules’ of practice within the context of the practicum triad:
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2012, feedback, field experiences, relationships, student teachers, student teaching, supervision as telling, supervision vs evaluation, supervisory environment, supervisory relationships, trust
Koerner & Rust Exploring roles in student teaching placements
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2002, best practice, coaching, cooperating teachers, disposition, field experiences, mentoring, mentors, relationships, roles, student teachers, student teaching, student teaching placements, supervisor characteristics, supervisor dispositions, supervisor knowledge, supervisory practices, supervisory relationships, supervisory roles
Campbell & Lott Triad Dynamics
NotesRebecca West Burns2010, 20102019, collaboration, collegial supervision, mentoring, mentors, relationships, student teachers, student teaching, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervisory relationships, triad, trust
Nguyen What knowledge, practices, and relationships typify empowering teaching and learning experiences
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2009, communication, feedback, observation, relationships, student teaching, supervision in teacher education, supervisor, supervisory relationships, triad
Lee Self-study of cross-cultural supervision of teacher candidates for social justice
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2011, power and supervision, selfstudy, social justice, student teachers, student teaching, supervision in teacher education, supervisor professional development, supervisory relationships
Morehead, Lyman, & Foyle Resources of Supervising PDS Interns
Loughran Learning How to Teach: Unpacking a Teacher Educator's Thinking about Pedagogy
NotesRebecca West Burns19901999, 1994, anticipatory reflection, contemporaneous reflection, LoughranJ, modeling, noticing, pedagogical skills, pedagogy of teacher education, preservice teachers, reflection, reflection in action, reflection on action, reflective practice, retrospective reflection, seeing, student teachers, student teaching, teacher development, teacher education, teacher educator, teacher educator education, teacher preparation, thinking aloud
Cairnes & Almeida Positive Aspect of Supervision in Student Teaching: The Student Teachers' Perspective
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2007, cooperating teachers, feedback, professional learning, student teachers, student teaching, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervisor, supervisor professional development, supervisory relationships, supervisory roles, university liaison
Sivan & Chan Peer Observation and Supervision with Preservice Teachers
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2009, feedback, international, observation, PDS, peer coaching, preservice teachers, student teachers, student teaching, supervision in PDS, supervision in teacher education, supervision vs evaluation, supervisor, supervisory roles, technology, technology in supervision
Singer & Zeni Creating an Online Conversation Community for Preservice Teachers
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2004, feedback, observation, online discussions, preservice teachers, social learning, social nature, student teachers, student teaching, supervision vs evaluation, supervisor, supervisory relationships, technology, technology in supervision
Sherry & Chiero Infusing Technology in K-12 Field Placements
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2004, field experiences, learning community, preservice teachers, program evaluation, student teachers, student teaching, technology, technology in supervision
Sewell Using Video Elicitation to Support Preservice Teacher-directed Reflective Conversations
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2009, eliciting thinking, empowering preservice teachers, empowering teachers, feedback, observation, post conference, preservice teachers, reflection, stimulated recall, student teachers, student teaching, supervision in teacher education, teacher preparation, technology, technology in supervision, video elicitation