Posts tagged social nature
Singer & Zeni Creating an Online Conversation Community for Preservice Teachers
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2004, feedback, observation, online discussions, preservice teachers, social learning, social nature, student teachers, student teaching, supervision vs evaluation, supervisor, supervisory relationships, technology, technology in supervision
Falconer & Lignugaris/Kraft Video Conferencing with Student Teachers in Remote Locations
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2002, chat rooms, field experiences, observation, preservice teachers, remote supervision, social learning, social nature, student teachers, student teaching, supervision in teacher education, supervisor, supervisory conferences, supervisory relationships, supervisory roles, technology, technology in supervision, video, video conferencing
Kopcha & Alger eSupervision and student teacher supervision
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2011, feedback, field experiences, preservice teachers, social learning, social nature, student teachers, student teaching, supervision in teacher education, supervisor, technology, technology in supervision
Hamel Internet Collaborative Tools in Preservice Teacher Education
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2012, field experiences, international, partnerships, preservice teachers, remote supervision, schooluniversity partnerships, social learning, social nature, student teachers, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervisor, supervisor tasks, supervisory relationships, teacher candidates, technology, technology in supervision, video, video conferencing
Alger & Kopcha eSupervision and cognitive apprenticeship
NotesRebecca West Burns2010, 20102019, coaching, cognitive apprenticeship, collaborative structures, communication, community, conversation, conversations about practice, developing expertise, expertise, modeling, novice, novice observers, novice teacher, program evaluation, reflection, research, social learning, social nature, student teachers, student teaching, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervisory roles, supporting novice learning, technology, technology in supervision
Lave & Wenger Legitimate Peripheral Participation in Communities of Practice
NotesRebecca West Burns19901999, 1998, adult learning, apprenticeship, communities of practice, discourse, hybrid, hybrid educator, identity, informal learning, knowledge, LaveJ, learning, learning curriculum, learning theory, legitimate peripheral participation, motivation, participation, PDS, perception, situated learning, social nature, social reproduction, storytelling, supervision, tacit knowledge, teaching curriculum, transparency, WengerE
Lave & Wenger Legitimate Peripheral Participation Conclusion Notes
NotesRebecca West Burns19901999, 1998, adult learning, communities of practice, developmental cycles, developmental stages, identity, knowledge, LaveJ, learning theory, legitimate peripheral participation, membership, participation, practitioner, situated learning, social learning, social learning theory, social nature, WengerE
Changing the Notion of Apprenticeship: Communities of Practice as Masters
ReflectionRebecca West Burns19901999, 1998, adult learning, apprenticeship, communities of practice, LaveJ, learning, learning theory, legitimate peripheral participation, participation, social learning theory, social nature, supervision, WengerE
Reflection Lave & Wenger Legitimate Peripheral Participation Practice, Person, Social World
ReflectionRebecca West Burns19901999, 1998, adult learning, communities of practice, LaveJ, learning, learning theory, legitimate peripheral participation, participation, social learning theory, social nature, social reproduction, WengerE
Lave & Wenger Legitimate Peripheral Participation Practice, Person, Social World
NotesRebecca West Burns19901999, 1998, adult learning, communities of practice, identity, LaveJ, learning, learning theory, legitimate peripheral participation, negotiation, participation, social learning theory, social nature, social reproduction, WengerE
Hanks Foreward in Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation
NotesRebecca West Burns19901999, 1998, adult learning, communities of practice, HanksW, LaveJ, learning, legitimate peripheral participation, situated learning, social learning, social learning theory, social nature, WengerE
Neuroscience and Social Interaction
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2006, adult learning, brain, conversation, environment, JohnsonS, learning, mentoring, mentors, neuroscience, relationships, social learning, social learning theory, social nature, supervisory environment, supervisory relationships, trust
Social Learning in Our Classrooms: Fact or Fiction?