Lave & Wenger Legitimate Peripheral Participation Conclusion Notes

Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1998). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Chapter 5: Conclusion

·      "Thus the concept of legitimate peripheral participation obtains its meaning, not in a concise definition of its boundaries, but in its multiple, theoretically generative interconnections with persons, activities, knowledge, and world (p. 121)."

·      "The person has been correspondingly transformed into a practitioner, a newcomer becoming an old-timer, whose changing knowledge, sill, and discourse are part of a developing identity - in short, a member of a community of practice. This idea of identity/membership is strongly tied to a conception of motivation. If the person is both member of a community and agent of activity, the concept of the person closely links meaning and action in the world (p. 122)."

·      "Situated learning activity has been transformed into legitimate peripheral participation in communities of practice (p. 122)."

·      "Knowing is inherent in the growth and transformation of identities and it is located in relations among practitioners, their practice, the artifacts of that practice, and the social organization and political economy of communities of practice (p. 122)."

·      "In addition to forms of membership and construction of identities, these terms and questions include the location and organization of mastery in communities; problems of power, access, and transparency; developmental cycles of communities of practice; change as part of what it means to be a community of practice; and its basis in the contradiction between continuity and displacement (p. 123)."