Taylor, Klein, & Abrams Tensions of Reimagining our Roles as Teacher Educators in a Third Space
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2014, apprenticeship, collaboration, hierarchical relationships, hybrid educator, mentoring, mentors, PDS, professional learning communities, relationships, schooluniversity partnerships, selfstudy, simultaneous renewal, TaylorM, teacher educator, teacher educator education
Ikpeze et al 2012 PDS Collaboration as Third Space
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2012, communication, communities of practice, IkpezeCH, mentoring, mentors, PDS, PDS research, PDS roles, relationships, selfstudy, supervision in PDS, theory & practice
Williams 2013 Article Boundary crossing and working in the third space: Implications for a teacher educator’s identity and practice
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2013, boundary spanner, boundaryspanning, field experiences, hybrid educator, hybrid roles, identity, selfstudy, student teaching, teacher educator, third space, WilliamsJ
Garman & Holland 2015 Getting to the New Work of Teaching, Learning, and Supervision
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2015, closed structure, curriculum, education reform, GarmanN, HollandP, open structure, supervision, supervision in schools, teaching and learning
Marilyn Johnston's 1999 Contradictions in Collaboration: New Thinking on School University Partnerships
NotesRebecca West Burns19901999, 1999, clinical educator, collaboration, conversation, dialogue, doctoral students, JohnstonM, PDS, PDS directors, PDS leadership, PDS research, PDS roles, PDS structures, schooluniversity partnerships
Klar, Huggins, & Roessler Fostering Distributed Leadership for Supporting Teacher Learning
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2015, collaboration, collaborative structures, conversation, conversations about practice, differentiated supervision, distributed leadership, instructional leader, instructional leadership, KlarH, PLCs, teacher learning
Borko & Livingston 1989 Cognition and improvisation: Differences in mathematics instruction by expert and novice teachers.
NotesRebecca West Burns19801989, 1989, cognition, cognitive development, cognitive processes, coplanning, coteaching, expertise, field experiences, knowledge, lesson planning, mathematics, noticing, novice, novice teacher, novice vs expert, pedagogical content knowledge, pedagogical expertise, pedagogical skills, pedagogy, supervision in teacher education, teacher education, teacher preparation
Desimone et al 2014 Formal and Informal Mentoring
Gutierrez & Penuel 2013 Relevance to practice as a criterion for rigor
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2013, collaborative inquiry, collaborative research, GutierrezKD, mort, partnerships, practice, qualitative research, research, research design, rigor, tenure
CCSO and CEEDAR Promises to Keep: Transforming Educator Preparation to Better Serve a Diverse Range of Learners
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2015, CCSSO, CEEDAR, coteaching, partnerships, PDS, policy, report, teacher education, teacher preparation
Grissom, Loeb, & Master 2013 Effective instructional time use for school leaders: Longitudinal evidence from observations of principals
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2013, coaching, educational leadership, GrissomJA, instruction, instructional leader, principals, school leadership, supervision, supervision vs evaluation, walkthroughs
Ingersoll & Mitchell 2011 Status of Teaching as a Profession
Lankford et al 2014 Who enterest teacher? Encouraging evidence that the status of teaching is improving
Pajak, E. F. (2012). Willard Waller’s sociology of teaching reconsidered: “What does teaching do to teachers?â€Â
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2012, educational leadership, narcissism, PajakE, schooling, schools, supervision, supervisor characteristics, teacher educator, teacher educator education, teaching, Willard Waller
Spillane, Kim, & Frank 2012 Tie Formation and Social Capital Development in Elementary Schools
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2012, elementary, information giving, information sharing, networking, networks, professional development, professional learning, professional learning communities, school organization, school structures, social capital, social learning, social learning theory, social networking, SpillaneJP, supervision, supervisory environment, telling, tie formation, ties
Seidel & Sturmer Measuring Professional Vision
Walsh et al A New Model for Student Support in High Poverty Urban Elementary Schools
Ronfeldt et al Teacher Collaboration and Student Achievement
NotesRebecca West Burnscollaboration, instructional teams, mort, PLCs, professional development, professional learning, professional learning communities, school improvement, student achievement, teacher development, teacher learning, turnaround schools, urban schools
Hunter and Sampson Teaching and Observing Science
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2015, coaching, content focused coaching, general pedagogical knowledge, goodness vs effectiveness, instruction, instructional practices, instructional quality, observation, pedagogical content knowledge, pedagogical skills, pedagogy of supervision, science, science education, science practices, supervision, supervision in teacher education, teacher education, university supervisor
Fowler & Cowden Innovative Leadership Preparation Program