Ronfeldt et al Teacher Collaboration and Student Achievement
NotesRebecca West Burnscollaboration, instructional teams, mort, PLCs, professional development, professional learning, professional learning communities, school improvement, student achievement, teacher development, teacher learning, turnaround schools, urban schools
Hunter and Sampson Teaching and Observing Science
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2015, coaching, content focused coaching, general pedagogical knowledge, goodness vs effectiveness, instruction, instructional practices, instructional quality, observation, pedagogical content knowledge, pedagogical skills, pedagogy of supervision, science, science education, science practices, supervision, supervision in teacher education, teacher education, university supervisor
Fowler & Cowden Innovative Leadership Preparation Program
Yettick Empirical Educational Research and News Media Coverage
Suarez et al Toxic Rain in Class: Classroom Interpersonal Microaggressions
Blazar 2015 The Effects of Grade Level Switching
Kolodny 2014 Normalites: The First Professionally Prepared Teachers in the United States
Two Strategies for Helping Preservice Teachers to "Feel Heard" in the College Classroom and in the Clinical Context
ReflectionRebecca West Burns20102019, 2014, learning environment, mentoring, mentors, PDS structures, practical strategies for supervision, preservice teachers, relationships, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervision in teacher preparation, supervisor, supervisory environment, Wallace
Article on Professional Development and Common Core
Fields-Smith African American parents befre and after Brown
EDH 7326: Supervised Teaching II (Spring 2015)
EDE 6076 Teacher Leadership for Student Learning
EDE 6366 Professional Development for Student Learning
Teacher Research for Student Learning
Yendol-Hoppey & Hoppey Generating PDS possibility and practicality thinking using a case and protocol tool to enhance PDS development
Darling-Hammond 2014 Strengthening Clinical Preparation
NotesRebecca West Burns20102019, 2014, clinical education, clinical experiences, DarlingHammondL, field experiences, supervision, supervision in teacher education, supervision in teacher preparation, teacher preparation
UTRPP Summer Workshop August 2014 Agenda
Teacher Leadership Course Assignments Comparison
EDE 6556 Coaching for Student Learning
Mid-Tenure Presentation to Publication Pipeline