Kember et al, A Coding Scheme for Determining Level of Reflective Thinking in Students' Written Journals
NotesRebecca West Burns19901999, 1999, categories of reflection, evaluating reflection, journal, journaling, KemberD, MezirowJ, reflection, reflective practice
Core Concepts of Transformation Theory Notes
NotesRebecca West Burns2000, 20002009, adult development, adult learning, adults, critical reflection, discourse, discrepancy, disorienting dilemma, emotion, emotional intelligence, experience, frame of reference, incidental learning, informal learning, intentional learning, interpretation, learning, learning theory, life experience, meaning making, MezirowJ, paradigm, participation, perspective, reflection, resources, transformation, transformational learning, trust
How the Brain Learns
NotesRebecca West Burns20002009, 2006, adult learning, adults, brain, comprehension, conflict, discrepancy, disequillibrium, espoused platforms, espoused theories, learning, learning theory, MezirowJ, neuroscience, pillars of learning, platforms in use, prior knowledge, reflection, reflective writing, SergiovanniT, StarrattR, supervision, theories in use, transformation, transformational learning, ZullJ
Mezirow Preface to Learning as Transformation