Nolan & Hoover Supervision and Evaluation: Key Concepts and Skills
Nolan, J., & Hoover, L. A. (2005). Teacher supervision and evaluation: Theory into practice. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapter 3: Key Concepts and Skills in Classroom Supervision (pp. 49 - 58)
• Supervision builds upon teachers' existing strengths, knowledge, and practices and promotes growth.
• Building Trust and Positive Communication
o The first thing a supervisor needs to do is build trust, thereby establishing a relationship. Trust is built through positive communication. These steps help to create readiness for supervisory acts.
o Both teachers and administrators bring knowledge and expertise to the supervisory table.
o "On an individual level, positive communication involves the supervisor's taking a genuine interest in the teacher's work, remaining nonjudgmental, and employing active listening (p. 52)."
o Supervisory must not be hypocritical. They need to practice what they preach in order to establish relationships.
• Uncovering Espoused Platforms and Platforms in Use
o "...teachers are far more likely to change their behaviors when they come to a self-realization of the underlying reasons for doing so (p 53)."
o Espoused platforms are often implicit. Making them explicit can be extremely beneficial in the supervision process. Data taken can reveal platforms-in-use. Discrepancies between the two platforms can create cognitive dissonance and can lead to change in either platform.
o "Exploring discrepancies between the two serves as a good starting point for reflection and conversation leading toward a common purpose and a shared commitment to improve instructional competence and professional practice (p. 54)."
o Discrepancies are opportunities for discussion and reflection.
• Encouraging Continuous Reflection and Inquiry into Teaching
o "Inquiry into what we typically do is central to reflective teaching because it forces us to question our teaching beliefs and behaviors in light of student learning (p. 55)."
o "Reflection and inquiry into teaching are of little value, however, unless the increased consciousness-raising has an impact on day-to-day practice through accompanying action (p. 55)."
o Reflection and inquiry into one's practice are the heart of supervision.
o "...the supervisor's role is to serve as a guide who facilitates a teacher's continuous self-improvement through an informed "reshaping' of underlying assumptions and over actions (p. 57)."
• Collecting Systematic Data
o The supervisor's role is one of being nonjudgmental. His/her job is to help the teacher make judgments about his/her practice using data as the conversation catalyst.