NAPDS 2010 Notes

NAPDS 2010

Presentation: Interns A-Twitter With Technology

Sally Catoe, Denise Barth, Pamela Powell, Beth Phillips, Anita Baggard, Morgan Furr, and Jeri Stanek North Springs Elementary School


Thursday, March 11, 2010 1:00 - 1:45

Analogy of garden

School integration of technology

Support services - Collaboration, ITS (Instructional Technology Specialist) whose role is to support the teachers and the interns. This person can teach, co-teach, or simply support the technology. She also is an idea bank for how to enhance lessons with technology.

Twitter - They use it for public relations. Used for publicity for the school.

(North Springs)

Students need to take ownership over the technology. Set them up for success by teaching how to use the technology appropriately.

Technology can be used for differentiation and to support the content.

District-wide podcast.

Teacher also has one student podcast the daily activities - Kind of like a journalist documenting the events of the day for parents and for absentees

Audacity is a free downloadable software

Document Camera - Used it to project the illustrations of a read aloud so that everyone could see them.

Clicker Systems


Format Factory a software for converting. Can also google format software for Mac.

Stanza (another software I believe)

Study Stack (a software for creating flash cards)

Using Mp3 recorders to have students record themselves and then play back so that they can hear themselves (and self-assess!!! J)

Video conferenced: 2nd graders (I think) built robots and then had to explain to the high school students what they had done. The high schools students got to ask questions to probe the younger students thinking. The high schools students were an engineering class.

Drawing Tablets

Google Sketch-up (drawing - sketching)

iTeachtechnology blogger (ilearn) Beth Phillips



iTech rooms - have you noticed any impact on school culture of having iTech vs. non iTech rooms?

What resistance do they have and how do they work to cross them over?

How do they get the technology funded?

When you start with the technology in a select number of rooms (piloting), how do they plan for growth and sustainability?

Idea: Class journalist



Presentation: The Clinical Faculty Associate Experience: A Real-World Approach

Joseph Thoma, Susan Kiger, and Della Thacker


Indiana State University

Taking the leap - school districts feeling that they don't want the person to leave.

Co-teaching a methods class on curriculum and instruction the semester before they student teach. Supervised during the field experiences.

Inclusion on emails, etc. once he had accepted the position

Courses took place on the university campus.

Feels that the school faculty (even though it's not his turf) can confide in him more because of the camaraderie. Building of credibility

He becomes an advocate for school faculty regarding the fact that they are teaching "those things" in college classrooms.

He becomes a consultant for life.



Why one year? The university pays for him leaving. He is "borrowed." It sounds like he does the negotiating to make sure that everything is in place. He didn't get sick days. Not sure about coming back as a 15 year teacher vs. 14 year teacher.

What are his roles when he is a clinical faculty member? Supervisor and classroom methods course

Who funds them? University/grant

What support systems are in place while you are a cfm? Professional development - how were you prepared to take this position? Summer experience with the other faculty. Being mentored by the faculty. Nothing formalized.

How many times do they see each student in the semester during the field experience?


Idea: Views or perceptions of hybrids. How are they perceived by peers, school district faculty, university faculty, and students? How do those perceptions impact their experience?


How are hybrids viewed by K-6 students? Do they see them as other teachers? What impact does that have for supervision? Changing the notion of supervision to include a member of the community so that supervision is not always about stepping's about active teaching. (That critique through practice???)


How do these feelings of us/them deal with Wenger's notions of community and participation? How does learning theory play a role here???


Fascinating - our hybrids run by district policies (sick days, work day, etc.) That doesn't happen everywhere. I'm wondering how that contributes to different perceptions and stereotypes.

How do hybrids: Benefits to interns. Impacting teacher education program.


The transformative nature of the hybrid role


Keynote Address: Bruce Fields

Professional Development Schools: A Twenty-Year Retrospective and a Challenge for the Future

Three organizations laid the foundation for PDS: Holmes Group - Now called Holmes Partnership. They coined the phrase PDS in 1990s. Encouraged not just teacher preparation but also the pd of current practitioners. NNER (National Network for Educational Renewal) Brought terms simultaneous renewal and hybrid educator. Hybrids are ones who show that it is possible to do this work but it should be done. NCATE (National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Educators) brought the PDS National Standards in 2001.


NAPDS was created in 2005. Nine Essentials in 2008.

PDS Contributions to the field of education:

Collaboration is powerful. Boundary spanning is powerful.

Sharing is powerful.

Multiple ways to accomplish goals. There is no one set way. Difference is acceptable (I would argue within parameters, as evidenced by the Nine Essentials).

Collaborative work is difficult, intense, and serious work.


Challenges for the Future:

1.     Disseminate. Others need to know what a PDS is. Being a PDS does not mean that the moment you work with teacher candidates is a PDS. PDS vs partnership sites. The difference between being a PDS and a partnership often needs clarified.

2.     Identify/clarify how many PDSs exist.

3.     Show that PDS makes a difference (I would ask difference how?)


Friday, March 12, 2010

Presentation: A Retrospective Interview Study of Two Decades of PDS Work: The Challenges of Partnership Sustainability

Diane Yendol-Hoppey, Teresa Field

Sustainability (Fullan, 2005) complexities of continuous improvement

Grounded theory, interviews, document analysis

Phase 1: Dreaming

Resources, time, commitment in order to grow together

Aligned visions


Phase 2: Maintaining the Dream

Resources, Space for theory/practice integration


Phase 3:

Diminishing resources, decreasing boundary spanning, expansion, accountability


Phase 4:

Diminishing resources, continued accountability, renewal, exhausted teacher leadership

As leadership changes, resources are needed in order to maintain vision


Sustainability is about maintaining the good while continuously working towards improvement.

Sustainability  = Transformative & Generative Activities + Shared Vision

"Leadership is responsible and accountable for resourcing vision development and partnership activities."



Shifts impact individual PDSs.

PDS empowers teachers and fosters teacher leadership. Teacher leadership is sustained.



·      Leadership

·      Commitment

·      Shared vision and commitment to revisiting and refining that vision

·      Resources

·      Boundary Spanning


Organizational exhaustion


Question: "How do we encourage on-going attention to partnership health?"




The Ning is the Thing: Supporting Interns Through Social Networking

Oliver Dreon and Nanette Marcum-Dietrich, Millersville

Digital Habitat by Wenger


Presentation: Candidate Feedback for Digital Natives

Barbara Purdum-Cassidy, Douglas W. Rogers  Baylor University

Four levels of development over course of college experience

Novice (Freshman/Sophmore)

Teaching Associate (Junior)

Intern (Senior)


Site-based coordinators are hybrids. Clinical instructors = classroom teacher for junior level candidates

Feedback (Hattie & Timperely, 2007)

·      Time intensive

·      Primarily Text (How are we changing these notions using Studiocode?)

·      Detailed

·      Be Understood

·      Self-assess


Used an Mp3 device to cut down on the time intensive nature of feedback. (Implies that the nature of feedback is one directional.)



·      Time to give feedback decreased

·      Scores and teaching improved

·      Candidates responded positively to audio because they could hear the voice and tone of the feedback, something that is absent in text feedback. They feel the feedback is more personal.

·      Variance in use of feedback

Feedback is for evaluative purposes. Strengths/weaknesses/Goals


·      Ex. of audio feedback to hear the kinds of information given

·      Do they blog or respond to the feedback in any way? Not yet but some are wanting Mp3 players to respond to it.

·      Have you looked at learning style and types of feedback? They are examining it. They have preliminary findings that preference is playing a role.

·      Amount and kind of feedback w/audio vs text



·      Astronaut (Cole)


Presentation: Professional Development Schools as a Structure for Teacher Professionalism

Jason Jude Smith


·      Email Jason to get the reference list and the annotated bib



·      Definition: "Profession - an occupation which requires the mastery of an extensive knowledge base acquired through a well developed education program."

·      Characteristics:

o   Knowledge

§  Extensive knowledge base

§  Well developed base

§  Only insiders contribute to the knowledge base

§  Rigorous criteria for acceptance of knowledge into the knowledge base

§  Control over the knowledge in the profession

o   Education

§  Length and breadth

§  Usually post-secondary

§  Members of the profession teach the knowledge base

§  Significant autonomy

o   Credentials

§  Program is credentialed.

§  Individual candidates are credentialed.

§  Government credentials through licensure.

o   Regulation

§  Government regulated through advisement of those in the profession

§  Loss of right to practice if there is a dereliction of duty

o   Status

§  Extensive knowledge

§  Well educated

§  Money

§  Relies on professionals for service (difficult for do-it-yourself)


Teaching and Knowledge

·      Knowledge is constructed at the university level and faculty are not considered teachers by other teachers/faculty/principals, etc.

Teaching and Education

·      Strong indicator of professionalism.

Teaching and Credentialing

·      Outsiders determine credentialing.

·      Teachers have minimal influence over credentialing

Teaching and Regulation

·      Because unions protect rights of workers stance, they are minimalizing the professionalization. In law, lawyers will say that you cannot practice. Teachers are not gatekeepers of the profession.

Teachers and Status

·      Low pay but good benefits

·      Esoteric

·      Morally respected


·      Would you use terms educator and teacher synonymously?


IDEA: Connecting teacher leadership/the hybrid role and the professionalism of teaching. Teachers are averse to advocacy because of survival. In what ways is the hybrid role advocating change? How are they advocates?