Clement, Enz, & Pawlas Notes The Apprentice Teacher

Clement, M. C., Enz, B. J., & Pawlas, G. E. (2000). The apprentice teacher. In B.E. Steffy, M. P. Wolfe, S. H. Pasch, & B. J. Enz, (Eds.), Life cycle of the career Teacher pp. 44-59. California: Kappa Delta Pi and Corwin Press, Inc.

Viewing the Apprentice Phase Through Case Study

Defining the Apprentice Phase

·      "The shift from novice to apprentice is perhaps the most complex intellectual and emotional transition on the continuum of teacher development (p. 48)."

·      Factors contributing to the transition:

o   Personal and Professional Needs

o   Reality Shock

§  "With a teaching 'safety net' beneath them, the novice works to develop teaching strategies and management techniques. Therefore, most novices graduate with a well-deserved sense of accomplishment but an exaggerated sense of confidence and competence (p. 49)."

o   Teaching Conditions


Threads of Continuity

·      Apprentices experience a pattern through their induction:

o   From exhilaration to survival

o   From disillusionment to rejuvenation


Professional-Development Strategies

·      Principles of Effective Induction Programs

o   Immediate

o   Developmental

§  "Instead, good induction programs are developmental and guided by the needs of the inductee (p. 52)." (CONNECTION TO SYP!!!)

o   Comprehensive

·      Components of Effective Induction Programs

o   Effective orientations

o   Effective content workshops and support seminars

o   Timely

o   Individualized

o   Interactive

·      Mentoring

·      Criteria for Successful Mentoring Programs           


o   Mentors should be matched appropriately with either grade level and/or subject matter.

o   Mentors need time to work with mentees. They also need to be in close proximity.

o   Mentors must have interpersonal skills including exceptional communication skills.

§  "Sometimes a mentor has to step back, let the new teacher make unsuccessful attempts at a strategy and wait for the apprentice to approach with a question or concern (p. 56)."

o   Mentors must have patience and common sense.

o   Mentors must be good observers and coaches.

o   Mentors need ongoing support and professional development, too.

o   The program must have flexibility to deal with any conflicts that arise.


Recommendations for Research and Practice