McNeil Contemporary Curriculum in Thought and Action: Technology Use in Curriculum Orientations

McNeil, J. D. (2006). Contemporary curriculum in thought and action. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Aperture Chapter 6: How Technology is Used with Curriculum Orientations
•    Technology in Humanistic Classrooms
•    Social Reconstruction and Technology
    o    "Technology is also used in a very different way raising social consciousness. Technology itself may be the focus of study making the familiar unfamiliar (p. 141)."
•    Technology in a Systemic Curriculum
    o    "Technology has long been viewed as important for both its efficiency and its effectiveness (p. 142)."
    o    "Its (textbook's) coverage of specific topics and its explanations constitute a manifest curriculum (p. 142)."
    o    "Technology is seen as an efficient way to achieve both the goal of knowledge acquisition and the proof of conceptual understanding (p. 142)."
    o    "In the twenty-first century, the teacher in the systemic classroom is expected to use technology more dynamically... (p. 142)."
    o    "...systemic teachers may turn to technology as a means to introduce authentic problems designed to stimulate learners to seek official knowledge that could help in finding a solution to the problem (p. 143)."
•    Technology in the Academic Curriculum
    o    "Technology has made it easier for students and experts in distant academic communities to share the goals, discourses, and practices of particular disciplines (p. 144)."