Grading Classroom Journals

Stevens, D. D., & Cooper, J. E. (2009). Journal keeping: How to use reflective writing for learning, teaching, professional insight, and positive change. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing, LLC.

Chapter 6: Grading Classroom Journal Writing

·      The Role of Feedback in Fostering Classroom Journal Writing

o   "Intentionally or unintentionally, instructors make feedback decisions as they design the course, talk about the requirements, and interact with students during the semester or term (p. 112)."

o   Feedback

§  "Feedback comes as the consequence of some type of performance and often can be seen as another form of instruction (p. 112)."

o   Why Give Feedback

§  Feedback is useful to students.

§  Feedback supports learning.

·      Ways to Give Feedback

o   Provide Feedback Using Preset Criteria

§  Criteria Check-Off Lists

§  Holistic Criteria

§  Rubrics

§  Criteria for Types of Reflection

o   Write an Individual Response to Each Journal

o   Grade for Completion, Not Quality

·      Handling the Volume of Student Journals

·      Privacy and the Ethics of Reading Student Journal Writing

o   "The journal is generally considered a place for private musings; for exploration; and for honest, authentic responses to the world outside and within (p. 124)."

·      Conclusion

o   "Feedback is important because students respond to feedback and it helps them to develop reflective thinking and writing practices (p. 126)."