AERA 2010 Notes

Monday, May 3, 2010



An Overview of the Danielson Framework for Teaching and the Evaluation Study

By Sara Ray Stoelinga & Charlotte Danielson

·      An analytic tool for understanding practice

·      It can be used for evaluation, training, etc.



Exploring Principal and External-Rater Ratings

By Lauren Sartain & John Easton


·      Using the framework, more teachers were rated in the basic and proficient levels rather than the highest levels - which in the Danielson model is distinguished. There was also an increase the number of teachers rated unsatisfactory, which is considered harmful to students.

·      Both principals and external raters agreed on unsatisfactory.

·      Principals and external raters rate differently in two areas: engaging students and using assessment. Principals rated higher in engagement. External raters rated higher in assessment.

·      Principals were more likely to label distinguished over external raters.


The Reliability of the Framework

By Stuart Luppescu & Lauren Sartain


·      Instructional components of the framework (i.e. using questioning, engaging students, using assessment, and demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness, etc) had the greatest rater differentiation than those of classroom management.


Principal and Teacher Reflections on the Evaluation Process

By Eric Brown, Kavita Kapadia, Sara Ray Stoelinga



·      They had the principal and the teacher conduct a preconference. The principal observes and records notes via scripting. The principal aligns the scripted notes to the Danielson Framework and assigns an evaluation. The teacher and the principal talk about the rating in a post observation conference.

·      Perceptions of Framework

o   The majority of principals felt generally positive about the framework and the conferences

o   Over half of the principals experienced paradigmatic shifts or were high enthusiasm.


My wondering - what about self assessment and evaluation!!!!!