The Millenial Jetsons
Today's newspapers line tomorrow's wastebaskets. This statement implies a concept that Roy Pea describes in his article "Distributed Intelligences and Designs for Education." In the early stages of the article, he discusses accessibility and the "mythic"-ness of objects. Here is implying that objects that the current generation sees as innovative will eventually become so ingrained in society that they will eventually go unnoticed, almost like a new penny losing its shine. His thinking probed insight into some of the technologies in my life that I feel are on the cutting edge but will one day be looked at as antiquated by my children.
For Christmas, my husband and I received an IRobot - a "smart tool" device that vacuums all by itself. It knows where to go, when to clean, and how to return to its dock. It helps me keep up with the cleaning and allows me to devote more attention to other aspects in my life. I'm starting to feel like Mrs. Weasley in Harry Potter. With a wave of her wand, the dishes are done, the duster floats about the room, and dinner is made. Well, with a push of a button, my first floor gets vacuumed.
What I wonder is what will smart tool technology mean for the future? What will it allow, or not allow for that matter, the next generations to be able to do? Will we become The Jetsons?