Can't Touch This: The Invincibility of COPs

Wenger argues that although communities of practice (COPs) can disintegrate, they, like other species, evolve for survival. On page 98, Wegner notes the rallying nature of COPs despite destabilizing events for preservation purposes. The issue that I didn't see addressed (and maybe I missed it, which is extremely possible) is the aspect of size and its role in the sustainability of COPs. If the COP is small, will the transient nature of its members have a greater impact than if the COP has a larger practicing, active population? If so, what implications does that have for schools and the size of districts in relation to the sustainability of their COP?

One could also integrate the Roger's reading and wonder whether the rate of adoption of innovations, I'm referring to those of which are initiated by new, often ambitious and eager COP members as opposed to those which are imposed by administrative mandates, would contribute to the survival of the COP? Could the rate of adoption be compared or even equated to the rate of evolution?