Blogging Is More Than a Space for Complaining

A colleague of mine brought to my attention a blog that is similar to some other blogs that I have seen/skimmed. This blogger uses interesting choices of language to describe her world. (I chose not to hyper link to this site because I didn't want to draw attention to it). It evoked the following reaction and thoughts from me...

Sometimes I think that blogging provides an opportunity for pessimism to arise. It gives people an opportunity to complain. Do people want to hear the complaints of others in order to empathize? Will reading such woes make them feel better? Someone once told me that she watches reality TV because it makes her feel better about her life. Is that what blogging allows? I prefer to focus on the positive whenever possible. I let only those closest to me know when I need a little encouragement on an occasional down day. Life is too short to focus on the bruises of our lives - it just comes off as whining. I'm not suggesting not telling the truth, but rather, I'm suggesting that we choose the lens through which we focus and see the world. We decide how we view life and the experiences we have in it. While I recognize that blogging permits a space to capture thinking, I would prefer to see blogging used as a space for intellectual thinking not complaining. Then again no one reads my blog. If I wanted more interaction maybe I should spice up my entries with complaining so as to attract the eyes of others. Should I take a lesson from the complainers? Nah. I think I'll just continue using my blog the way I see fit. If others choose to view and comment, then so be it.