Programs for Teachers Goodlad Notes
Goodlad, J. I. (1990). Teachers for our nation's schools. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Chapter 7: Programs for Teachers
· Transcending Prestige Deprivation
· Articulating and Meeting Goals
o "It should come as no surprise to find no clear, all-encompassing goals for the education of educators in institutions that have no clearly stated educational mission (p. 232)."
o Conclusions: "...the expectations of teacher education programs are not clearly articulated to persons likely to be interested in them, that selection of programs by students is heavily influenced by geographical and financial accessibility, that selection criteria are narrowly defined and that adherence to them in some institutions is casual, that many faculty members and students believe that more care should be exercised in keeping the gates and monitoring the progress of those admitted, and that many qualities thought by faculty and students to be important requirements for teaching are ignored in the selection and guidance processes, in large part because of their rather sensitive nature (p. 233)."
o Discrepancy: "Large numbers of faculty members favored a programmatic orientation that concentrated on helping future teachers develop the interests and abilities of children and youths, yet they perceived the existing dominant emphasis to be that of preparing teachers to help the young take their place in the existing society (p. 234)."
· Providing Ample General, Liberal Studies
o "Special interests of all kinds are placing demands that cannot be met in the final two years (p. 238)."
· Building Program Coherence
o "There was not on most of the campuses we studied either the ethos or the mechanisms essential to ensuring a curriculum for prospective teachers that balanced the major domains of knowledge and depth of understanding in the subjects they planned to teach (p. 242)."
"In general, however, the dominant campus perspective, language, and curricular reality reflected separate, loosely connected parts, each presided over by different faculties, with very little communication among and even within groups (p. 243)."