Lambert et al Introduction to Constructivist Leadership

Lambert, L., Walker, D., Zimmerman, D. P., Cooper, J. E., Lambert, M. D., Gardner, M. E., Szabo, M. (2002). The constructivist leader (2nd ed.). New York: Teachers College Press, and Oxford, OH: National Staff Development Council.

-    Linda Lambert

Key Ideas in the Constructivist Leader (from pages xvi - xviii). They are capitalized because they are taken word for word as written on those pages:
1.    The Lives of Children and Adults are Inextricably Intertwined.
    a.    In what ways does the literature on adult learning theory confirm or refute this key idea? (See notes from adult learning theory and course at GV).
2.    Constructivism is the Primary Basis of Learning for Children, Adults, and Organizations.
    a.    Definition of constructivism: "As our personal perspectives are mediated with the world through inquiry, we construct and attribute meaning to these encounters, building new knowledge in the process (p. xvii)."
    b.    Collaboration and reflection deepen and facilitate such construction.
3.    Communities that Encourage the Growth of Human Potential are Based on the Principles of Ecology.
4.    Patterns of Relationships Form the Primary Bases for Human Growth and Development. (Confirmed by Wenger's research. See notes from personal blog on community and Wenger).
5.    Diversity Provides Complexity, Depth, Multiple Perspectives, and Equity to Relationships, Thereby Extending Human and Societal Possibilities.
    a.    "If we do not understand each other as equal - in the sense of having something of value to bring to the learning process - we cannot form relationships that contribute to growth and purpose (p. xviii)."
    b.    "The ecology of our systems will be out of balance. Power and authority, rather than learning, will drive the culture (p. xviii)."
6.    Leadership as Critical Social and Intellectual Transformation is achieved Through Reciprocal, Purposeful Learning in Community.